My Vocation
To hold space for others to disentangle their sense of self from their work.
Therapy for Your Relationship to Work
People typically use me as a social / normalcy barometer for whatever's going on in their wave of life. For many of us, that includes some level of professional work. After a decade of experience consulting in various fields, I have an unfortunate amount of experience with toxic workplaces.
Feeling drained? Dreading work? I got you. And you are far from alone. Let's work together to find how you can set boundaries with what's stealing from you.
Feeling drained? Dreading work? I got you. And you are far from alone. Let's work together to find how you can set boundaries with what's stealing from you.
Organizational Clients
- Insightful, practical, and engaging -
Laura's presentation style pulls employees into content and leaves them with applications that feel totally doable.
Laura's presentation style pulls employees into content and leaves them with applications that feel totally doable.